Jordan Mourot-Laronde

Action life coaching !


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How to contact me ?

more are to come because you are my future !


I strongly believe that we all have great qualities that must be put forward for a better world..
Collective, is the sum of all individuals.
So as much as it is positive and motivating.
Besides, the people I coach must have a positive and ambitious vision of life..
There is a sorting at the entrance, I have to tell you, out of respect and honesty for each and every one of you.
If you are here reading these lines, is that most likely you are one of the people, ces 3%, who dare to take on difficult and ambitious challenges.
Because for those who only like ease, I invite you not to stay on this website, you are going to be in pain… too bad…

What does the training organization do? “WE MOVE” ?
My areas of action are: :

  • Work, money (finances),
  • Relationships , family,
  • Health, sports and food,
  • The belief, the religion,
  • Nature and its relationship to its environment.

I specify that I am not a doctor, nor nutritionist, nor sports coach 🙂 I advise you with the certain experience gained from life. You will find out who is behind these lines very quickly because you are engaged !
Can you categorize your project ? It is possible that through the training offered on this site, you may not find in which category your project falls.
I shout out loud and make people think this : make your project a mix of several areas. Go on, you are capable of it !
Nowadays, the following courses are open to everyone (count 7 hours, made on 1 day in total immersion with you) :

Photo credits : Martin SCHMID, STORYTARK

But who is Jordan MOUROT-LARONDE? ?

Born in the town of Commercy in the Meuse (55), I grew up mainly with my maternal grandparents.
10 about years, by their side, will render me an immense and unexpected service : That of knowing what the true value of work is, passion, of the force, relationships..
For me, at first, it was done in pain and then managed to turn it all into an unstoppable force ! Because very seriously : « We only have one life ! ».
The regrets expressed by my grandmother then my grandfather throughout their lives and more fully at the end of their lives will shake me forever !
I've heard a thousand times : « If I had known, I would have done this. If I had known, I would have done that ».
I transformed this negative power into a ball of positive energy.

I founded my own training organization because it is high time to help you internationally.

Relationships built around the world : America, Chine, Inde, Africa, Europe… push me forward.

Together we go further, it's so much more beautiful a project where millions of people come together for the same cause of life and its beauty.

So that always, you are a star to the world.

Positively. Your friend.

"If I had known, I would have done this. If I had known, I would have done that"

Photo credits : Martin SCHMID, STORYTARK

Find Jordan on his Youtube Channel
Advance the strength of the message to be sent to the world.


Through exclusive and participatory content, ambition is given. Seize your ambition ! 🙂